Our growing leaders
Our laureates from the first edition, Paulina and Krzyś, have been actively engaging with the LAS community, procuring leadership position for the next academic year.
Here’s what Paulina, who will be the Vice President of the National Honour Society, had to say:
It was just last month as I was inducted into NHS, and now I have received an honor to serve as its Vice President. This role brings on significant responsibilities, but is also extremely fun and rewarding. Side by side with the President, I will be leading the NHS meetings, planning events benefiting our LAS community and supporting good causes by organizing events such as Terry Fox Run or refugee Christmas party. Being in such a high position makes me really excited as I will be able to implement my own ideas and, most importantly, directly contribute to and lead big events happening in the school.
Krzyś, on the other hand, obtained a position of a Senior Proctor:
Next year, along with 9 other students, I will become a Senior Proctor – this is the leadership position for which I was searching whilst at LAS. Senior Proctors are a group of students living at the Belle Epoque Campus who are responsible for organising and maintaining ‘life outside of the classroom’. As a group, we will think of events to put on throughout next year, run the dorm store, and represent the students from our dorm should requests or complaints arise. I like the idea of this leadership position as it is really motivating, knowing that you are working to make others’ lives more enjoyable.
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